This is the part where I humbly ask for your help. As I dig deeper into teaching, writing, and speaking about techquity, I need thoughts and insight from people outside of my own head. Any thoughts and questions you can share, will help me to do my work better! These are some questions that I’ve brainstormed, but anything is welcome and appreciated. I believe education is a field where everybody is a stakeholder, so I’d love to hear from teachers, as well as anyone else with a thought to share! Please share your thoughts in the form below.
What are some of your biggest equity related challenges in the classroom?
What challenges have you found with using technology in the classroom?
What are some of your favorite techquitable resources and/or strategies?
What does rigor look like in a classroom?
How do you use technology and translators to support home language use, while also supporting English language development?
What kind of student needs do you find most challenging?
What do you believe a techquitable classroom looks like visually? Tips for setting up the classroom space?
What advice and/or challenges do you have around managing student behavior with technology?
How do you use technology to help students create?
How have you used technology to create more equitable opportunities in your classroom?
What questions or concerns do you have about techquity?
What do/did you wish your teachers knew about you?
What helps you learn? What doesn’t help you learn?
How have you seen technology used to create more equity?
What skills (tech skills or otherwise) do you feel students are most lacking?
How do you define or recognize "smart"?